Thursday 25 November 2010

Practise Selectividad question 3. 2º A


Anonymous said...

you should give up smoking because it is bad for you health
Cristina y Gerard

Anonymous said...

1-you should give up taking drugs because it,s bad for your health. Fernando y Nuria

Anonymous said...

Daniel, you shouldn't taking drugs because it is bad for your health

Anonymous said...

You should give up taking drugs because it is bad for your health.
jose javier y roberto

Rosa Ramos Sánchez said...

Cristina and Gerard:
e careful You must say "youR health".
"You" is only used as a subject!!

Anonymous said...

1.-pedro, you shouldn't taking drugs because you are a good boy and the police can caught you
2.- Dad please can i go out later? because my girlfriend go out until two o'clock.
3.- Rosa, i'm very upset and sad because yesterday i shouldn't say to you swear words.
4.- Marco if you hit your wife i will denounce you and if i see this i will hit you.

Rosa Ramos Sánchez said...

Good sentence, Fernando and Nuria

Rosa Ramos Sánchez said...

Dani and Alonso:
You shouldn't TAKE drugs.
After "should" the verg must be in the infinitive!!!

Rosa Ramos Sánchez said...

Good Jose and Roberto!

Anonymous said...

5.- Rosa, i need your assistant because i don't know how can i do this.

Anonymous said...

2-If you let go out late, I am going to cook for 2 weeks.
Dani y Alonso.

Anonymous said...

Dad please can i go out later? because my friends go out until late.
jose javier and roberto

Anonymous said...

2. You clould let me out more time, because,my friends let out more time.
Cristina y Gerard

Rosa Ramos Sánchez said...

1-pedro, you shouldn't taking (TAKE) drugs because you are a good boy and the police can caught (CATCH)you
2.- Dad please can i(I) go out later? because my girlfriend go (GOES) out until two o'clock.
3.- Rosa, i'm (I'm) very upset and sad because yesterday i (I) shouldn't say (shouldn't have said) swear words.
4.- Marco if you hit your wife i (I) will denounce you and if i (I) see this i (I) will hit you.

25 November 2010 13:53

Anonymous said...

Mum, you should let me out late because I'm responsible. Fernando y la Nuri

Rosa Ramos Sánchez said...

Mr. X:
5.- Rosa, i (I) need your assistant (HELP) because i (I) don't know how can i (I CAN) do this.

Rosa Ramos Sánchez said...

2-If you let (ME) go out late, I am going to (I WILL COOK) cook for 2 weeks.
Dani y Alonso.

Anonymous said...

Dad,mum, you should let me go out more later because i have seventeen years old.
Pedro y Juan Antonio

Anonymous said...

2-Sorry Rosa I'm a bad person because I was rude with you yesterday.La nury y Fernando

Anonymous said...

I am sorry for it, because yesterday I was very rude.
Cristina y Gerard.

Rosa Ramos Sánchez said...

2. You clould (COULD) let me out more time, because,my friends let out more time. ("mis amigos dejan más tiempo????)
"My friends are let out)
Cristina y Gerard

Anonymous said...

6.- Elvira you should eat more because you are growing and if you don't eat you will be ill

Rosa Ramos Sánchez said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

4-Periquito if you hit your wife again I will kill you. La Nuri y Fernando

Rosa Ramos Sánchez said...

Blogger MR. X said...

6.- Elvira you should eat more because you are growing and if
you don't eat you will be ill

That's much better, Antonio

Anonymous said...

3.-sorry,I'm going to be very good in the future.
alonso y dani

Anonymous said...

dad,mum, yesterday I was driving your car when the police stoped me and they ask for me my driving licence, but I promise you I didn't know that it´s necessary to drive.
Juanjo and Miguel Ángel

Anonymous said...

Pedro, you should do sport because if you don't do this you will be very fat.

Anonymous said...

Rosa,I am very upset because for my behavious.
roberto y jose javier

Anonymous said...

Rosa,we apologize because yesterdays we insult you and we are very sorry.
Juan Antonio y Pedro

Anonymous said...

5-Rosa can you help me for my english exam? if you help me I will buy a jam. La Nuri y Fernando

Anonymous said...

Alonso, you musn't spend a lot of money in your mobile phone because mum and dad don't have a lot of money in crisis time

Rosa Ramos Sánchez said...

Dad,mum, you should let me go out more later (LATER: NO MORE LATER!!!) because i (I) have (AM) seventeen years old.
Pedro y Juan Antonio

Anonymous said...

4-you shouldn't hit her becuase you can go to prision!!Dani y Alon

Anonymous said...

Raimundo if you hit your wife more I will denounce you .
roberto y jose javier

Anonymous said...

Dad yesterday i had to use the car because dani have an accident with his motorbike and he broke his knee

Anonymous said...

Hey guy, stop now because you are damage her.
Peter and John Anthony

Anonymous said...

6-Juan Antonio if you ban dinking in the streets we will drink in your house. La nuri y el fernando

Anonymous said...

Rosa,I need your help for the next exam,thanks.
jose javier and...

Rosa Ramos Sánchez said...

dad,mum, yesterday I was driving your car when the police stoped (STOPPED) me and they ask for me (ASKED ME FOR) my driving licence, but I promise you (wITHOUT YOU) I didn't know that it´s (IT WAS) necessary to drive.
Juanjo and Miguel Ángel

Anonymous said...

5.-Rosa, I need your help because I don't understand modal verbs.alonso y daniel machoalvarez

Anonymous said...

7- Ambrosio if you don't eat today you won't play football tomorrow

Anonymous said...

Estefanía y Lourdes:

You must leave to me late arrive, because I'm very responsible and always obey.

Anonymous said...

Estefanía y Lourdes:

Mr.Smith! I yesterday was very rude with you and only want arrive more late some day.

Anonymous said...

1. 1.You shouldn't take drugs because it's very bad for you, for your health. Listen me, you have to give up taking drugs.
2.Please, I want to be out for much time. My friends told me that their parents let them out until late!
3.Oh, I'm so sorry!
4.She is your wife, guy! You should respect her.
5.Rosa, can you help me, please? I don't know the uses of the present simple.
6.People is free. Everybody can do what they want to do.
7.Just a little bite, please? You can have many problems like anorexia in the future.
8.You have to do some sport, because it's good for your health. Sport is healthy.
9.What? Are you kidding me? My brother is who has spent a lot, not me.
10.Mom, dad, the police caught me yesterday without my driving licence. What can I do? I don't want to pay the fine. Well, I have not money.

Lorena and Borja

Lorena said...

holaa!! vaya por dios... lo hemos comentado en el lugar equivocado... =S
ahora mismo lo cambio!
lo malo es que al publicar el otro como anónimo no puedo borrarlo

Rosa Ramos Sánchez said...

Lend: dejar = prestar
Let: dejar = permitir
Leave: dejar = abandonar

Rosa Ramos Sánchez said...

Mr.Smith! I yesterday (YESTERDAY I WAS)was very rude with you and (I) only want (TO) arrive more late (LATER) some day.